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be obedient to中文

用"be obedient to"造句"be obedient to" in a sentence"be obedient to"怎麼讀


  • 服從于
  • 月臣從


  • The dog is obedient to its master ' s orders
  • All things are obedient to money
  • Children , be obedient to your parents in all things , for this is well - pleasing to the lord
    西3 : 20你們作兒女的、要凡事聽從父母、因為這是主所喜悅的。
  • Finally , showing that she is obedient to her husband ' s wiser judgment , the bride wipes the icing from his face
  • In trials run under brace or small pack procedures , hounds should remain within control distance of the handler , and should be obedient to his commands
  • In addition , it is common that each daughter - in - law must be obedient to her mother - in - law and the latter might forbid the youngster to buy anymore new dresses
  • In this case the parents clearly manifest that the adults possess the power ( if not the right ) to appeal to violence when their own moral , ethic , or value is challenged , that violence ( whatever the motivation of such violence ) works well in case that the one who uses violence is physically stronger , and that the minors or the weak must be obedient to those who hold the power to slash
    當父母懲罰兒童時,懲罰者證明了成年人在自己的道德,倫理,或者價值觀念受到挑戰時,擁有“能力” (如果不是權力)去訴諸暴力解決問題,還證明了無論動機如何暴力很有作用,如果發動暴力者實際更加強大,暴力就其作用,并且證明了弱者必須服從強者。
用"be obedient to"造句  
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